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ACHRM Semi-Annual Strategic Mini Summit October 22nd 3:00-4:30pmET
Tuesday, October 22, 2024, 3:00 PM - 4:30 PM EST
Category: Events

ACHRM's Semi-Annual Strategic Mini Summit 

3:00 - 4:30pET

October 22, 2024


1. How Can a Health Weight / Behavioral Management program improve your organization's weight loss drug utilization and drug spend?
2. CAA/Fiduciary Compliance - Do You Have The Right Broker?
3. How to boost the effectiveness of your MSK, pain management, work comp program by combining tradition (brink and mortar) and digital care solutions?
4. Cancer- How does a direct partnership (contract) between an oncology specialist and an employer assist in more effective patient care, reduce costs, and enhance employee benefits?
5. Womens Care - How does self-funding plan design improve your organization's women's and family care?
6. COVID / Flu Testing - Finalize proposed project addressing industry conditions, challenges, opportunities.

 Register Here


Contact: Melissa Brookes [email protected]