Healthcare Cost Containment Challenges of NFP / Foundations

Mission: Identify the unique Healthcare cost containment challenges that NFP/Foundations face and identify solutions.
Co-Chairs: Felicia Smith, John Templeton Foundation
Pamela Autrey, American College of Emergency Physicians
Current Team Members: TBD
  • April 12  Healthcare Funding Options for Philadelphia (Webinar) (Possible model for other Chapters)
    • Provide an overview of the following three healthcare funding options:
      1. Major insurance carrier's Level Funded products
      2. Self-funding using a major independent non-insurance carrier based TPA
      3. Captive, a consortium of multiple smaller entities (50 to 500 or more employees)
  • NFP Employee Wellness Program - DFWAE
 2018 Proposed plans / strategies / objectives
  • Identify a community not for profit hospital group/or other wellness solution provider who would partner with DFWAE on a wellness pilot
  • Identify educational opportunities for NFP/Foundations to assist them in exploring self-funding and/or limited self-funding options, as appropriate to the concerns of this sector, and assist them in maintaining benefit levels and containing healthcare costs


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