Unique Healthcare Risk Management Needs of Public Entities

Mission: To identify the unique health risk management needs of Municipalities, Labor Unions, School Districts, Colleges/Universities, and other Public Entities, and develop strategies to assist these organizations in containing their healthcare costs and more effectively managing their health risks.
Co-Chairs: Flip Steinour, Lancaster-Lebanon Intermediate Unit #13
George Kelly, Cancer Treatment Centers of America
  1. Trent Sullivan, CMIC Group
  2. Greg D’Orazio, AJM
  3. Christine Carlson-Glazer & Sue Bonfield, Deborah Heart & Lung Center
  4. Wayne Seybold, ELAP Services
  5. Wayne Blackwell, City of Sherman, TX
  6. Brian Flowerday, SETSEG
  • New Name proposal
  • How do we build upon the November webinar?  Proposed Next steps?
  • How can we leverage ACHRM's Second Annual Employer Track?  How do promote to marketplace?
  • April 4th Webinar Public Entities Comparing and Contrasting Self-Insuring Using A Major Insurance Carrier VS Engaging an Independent, Non-Insurance Carrier TPA Webinar (STRATEGY:  identify and describe the specific problem, identify solutions, and build towards Roundtables)
  • Engage FLHCC public entities


Check Previous Month Updates https://www.achrm.org/initiatives/